
Image of a man and laptop
  • #70 - God Jul och ett Gott Nytt Teamsår
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 20/12/2024 at 11:48

    Tiden går fort när man har roligt och det har vi verkligen haft, 2024 är redan över och vi hoppar snart in i 2025. Tack för att ni har lyssnat 2024 och hoppas att ni vill vara med oss i Teamspodden under 2025 också.   I detta avsnitt diskuterar Linus och Mårten julstämning, reflektioner […]

  • Pro-Level Travel and Conference Survival Guide
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 16/12/2024 at 15:02

    The Pro-Level Travel and Conference Survival Guide post is a collection of practical advice and lifehacks to help you thrive as a conference attendee or speaker. This living document evolves with fresh insights from global travels.… The post Pro-Level Travel and Conference Survival Guide first […]

  • All Things M365 Compliance Podcast Ep 23: MPARR...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 10/12/2024 at 00:27

    In Episode 23 of the All Things M365 Compliance Podcast, hosts Ryan John Murphy and Nikki Chapple explore the innovative Microsoft Purview Advanced Rich Reports (MPARR) with Sebastián Zamorano. MPARR takes Microsoft Purview’s standard reporting capabilities to the next level by using APIs to […]

  • Ignite 2024 Review
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 09/12/2024 at 12:11

    Your One-Stop-Shop for All Things Purview from Ignite. Ryan and Nikki take a look at the newly announced Purview, roles, features and solutions! Announcement Blogs:-

  • EP23: Sebastian Zamorano - Microsoft Purview Rich...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 05/12/2024 at 13:32

    We talk to Sebastian Zamorano regarding the rich reports you can pull from Purview. There is a number of amazing reports that you can pull through from labelling, to admin access. This is a must for anyone wanting additional reporting from Purview. There's even a set up guide in the GitHub Link below. In addition here are the links to the content and his LinkedIn profile: Here's all the good stuff:

  • Non-linear parameter
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 03/12/2024 at 21:44

    I feel like parameters in Power BI are way under utilized! I’m not talking about the ones in Power Query now but rather the ones that used to be named “What-if”, before field parameters were added. Parameters are a great way to allow your report users the ability to simulate outcomes! I have […]

  • Creating Popups in Power BI
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 29/11/2024 at 09:52

    I had a discussion with my good friend and former colleague Mathilda Bäckman today regarding Power Automate in Power BI. The idea is awesome! You put a button in your report and give the end user the ability to take action with filtered date from the report directly without having to export any […]

  • #69 - Sammanfattning av Teamsnyheter från...
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 24/11/2024 at 17:35

    Microsoft har precis avslutat sin konferens Ignite i Chigago. Mycket nyheter kring Copilot men de passade även på att lansera en hel del kring Microsoft Teams också, även om det var även där kopplat till Copilot.   Microsoft Ignite 2024 Book of News What’s New in Microsoft Teams | […]

  • #68 - USA och trädatacenter
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 10/11/2024 at 19:29

    I detta avsnitt av Teams-podden diskuterar Linus och Mårten olika ämnen relaterade till Microsoft Teams, inklusive nya funktioner, konferenser och personliga erfarenheter. De reflekterar över tidigare gäster, kommande evenemang och Microsofts miljötänkande i sina datacenter. Diskussionen […]

  • Measure Distance dynamically
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 08/11/2024 at 22:16

    Some time ago I had a discussion with a friend of mine about the selection of comparable data. We talked about how schools were compared and expected to achieve the same results of they could be grouped as similar. The problem is that you have to define what parameters to look at for them to

  • Intune Cleaned Out A Device – Now What?
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 03/11/2024 at 14:18

    Imagine this: an employee returns from an extended leave only to find Intune cleaned out a device. It’s a frustrating situation that can happen more often than you’d think when automated clean-up rules in Intune kick… The post Intune Cleaned Out A Device – Now What? first appeared on Simon […]

  • #67 - Frontline Workers
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 23/10/2024 at 20:59

    På Teamsdagen hade vi en session om "Frontline Workers" som vi tyckte var så spännande att vi bestämde oss för att fortsätta diskussionen i podden. I avsnitt 67 av Teamspodden bjuder Linus och Mårten in föreläsarna William Ridderström och Andreas Adolfsson från Microsoft för att […]

  • #66 - Veckan efter Teamsdagen
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 09/10/2024 at 21:40

    Fortfarande viss utmattning hos programledarna Mårten och Linus efter att ha spenderat mycket tid med  Teamsdagen. Vi sammanfattar självklart Teamsdagen lite kort innan vi dyker in i Teamsvärlden och dess nyheter.    

  • How To Use Autopatch Groups For A Smooth Windows...
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 02/10/2024 at 14:16

    Navigating the upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 can be effortless when you know how to use Autopatch Groups for a smooth Windows 11 upgrade. This post will discuss some practical strategies to streamline and… The post How To Use Autopatch Groups For A Smooth Windows 11 Upgrade first appeared […]

  • EP23: Maxime Bombardier - Default approach with...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 02/10/2024 at 10:47

    We talk to Microsoft Prod Group Engineer, Max Bombardier on Microsoft's new direction on their default approach to oversharing. In addition here are the links to the content and his LinkedIn profile Notes from engineering - Purview deployment models | Secure by default with Microsoft Purview and protect against oversharing | Maxime Bombardier | LinkedIn =

  • Custom Timings in Viva Copilot reports
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 01/10/2024 at 11:15

    In Viva Insights, you can set up 2 Copilot reports; Adoption and Impact. I’ve created a custom report, that you can download from here, where you can change the time settings manually for the Impact report! This blog post is split into these sections, so feel free to scroll to whatever seems most […]

  • Intune Hack: Keep Critical App Running
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 26/09/2024 at 17:43

    I recently received a request to ensure that a critical app remains running on Intune-managed Windows devices, even if users attempt to close it. After testing several approaches, I found two reliable methods to solve this… The post Intune Hack: Keep Critical App Running first appeared on Simon […]

  • WinTuner: The Ultimate Fix For Microsoft Store...
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 16/09/2024 at 08:20

    The Microsoft Store integration in Intune allows admins to deploy and manage UWP and Win32 apps directly from the store. While this makes apps like Adobe Creative Cloud easy to install, some have begun facing unexpected… The post WinTuner: The Ultimate Fix For Microsoft Store App Problem! first […]

  • Endless calculations to the people
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 09/09/2024 at 21:51

    Well maybe not endless, but at least very, very, very, very many! Let me clarify slightly. Or if you prefer to just see what I created and test it yourself, click here! In Power BI, one of the biggest upsides is the ability for the user to interact with the data and find their own

  • #65 - Vi hör röster som pratar om Teamsdagen
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 05/09/2024 at 19:45

    I detta avsnitt av Teamspodden pratar Linus och Mårten om den kommande Teamsdagen.   Gäster i podden är medarrangörerna Amanda Sterner, Michaela Bostrand, Caroline Kallin, samt talarna Johan Hurtigh, Christine Solmar Godring, Ville Gullstrand, Paula Delgadillo och Jonas Törner.   Vi […]

  • #64 - MVP-förenyelser och andra nyheter
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 02/09/2024 at 20:54

    I detta avsnitt av Teams-podden pratar Linus och Mårten om att vara Microsoft MVP och vad det innebär. De förklarar att en MVP är en ambassadör för Microsoft och delar med sig av sin kunskap om Microsofts produkter. De berättar också om fördelarna med att vara MVP, som att få exklusiv […]

  • Optimize SharePoint Storage: How Version History...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 01/09/2024 at 20:42

    In my recent blog post, Hidden Connection Between SharePoint File Versioning and Storage,  I delved into the mechanics of file versioning in SharePoint. Each version is a full copy of the file, meaning that large files can rapidly consume storage space. For instance, a 200MB PowerPoint file with […]

  • How to Use Passkey in Authenticator: A Tutorial
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 23/08/2024 at 14:00

    I am passionate about implementing strong authentication methods. This blog post will explore the new Entra ID Passkey in Authenticator, now in public preview. Table Of Contents Why Care For Passkey In Authenticator? I’ve been using… The post How to Use Passkey in Authenticator: A Tutorial […]

  • EP22: Bram de Jager | Data Protection
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 21/08/2024 at 07:19

    We talk to Bram about data protection and of course, Copilot. We all share our insights to date on how to manage data in M365, especially when wanting to adopt Copilot. Plus, we share some tips and tricks on SITs and Labelling.

  • The Hidden Connection Between SharePoint File...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 18/08/2024 at 22:10

    Today, effective document management is crucial in the digital workplace. SharePoint offers strong file versioning capabilities that ensure every edit and update is recorded, creating a comprehensive version history. This feature not only facilitates seamless collaboration but also acts as a […]

  • #63 - Det går bra nu
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 18/08/2024 at 18:24

    Sommaren är kort och Teamspodden är tillbaka efter ett skönt sommarlov. Förutom att prata väder och vind så tar vi även upp några av de nyheter som kommit till Teams, går igenom Microsofts resultat samt pratar om pandemier.   What’s New in Microsoft Teams | July 2024 - Microsoft […]

  • Speaking at Workplace Ninjas User Group Denmark |...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 11/08/2024 at 02:12

    I had the opportunity to present a session at the Workplace Ninjas User Group Denmark on the 9 August 2024. Workplace Ninjas User group Denmark, is a community group that has been set up to arrange meet-ups for people who want to share knowledge about the latest in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure […]

  • Speaking at Norwegian Microsoft 365 Community...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 11/08/2024 at 01:09

    I had the opportunity to present a session at the Norwegian Microsoft 365 Community online user group on the 24 May 2024. The Norwegian Microsoft 365 Community a group of Norwegian professionals and enthusiasts who come together to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices related to […]

  • Speaking at Commsverse 2024 | June 2024
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 11/08/2024 at 01:09

    I presented at Commsverse 2024, which took place on June 26-27, 2024 at Mercedes Benz World, UK. Commsverse is a community conference focused on Microsoft Teams and the AI-enabled workplace. The event had over 700 attendees, featured over 70 sessions across two days, and included an exhibition […]

  • Speaking at European Collaboration Summit 2024 |...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 11/08/2024 at 01:09

    I had the opportunity to present a session at the European Collaboration Summit 2024 on May 14-16, 2024, in Wiesbaden, Germany. The summit is the largest conference in the world focused on Modern Work, Microsoft 365, and Copilot, with 3000 attendees in attendance. I co-presented a session with […]

  • Speaking at IntraTeam Event 2024 | April 2024
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 11/08/2024 at 01:09

    I had the chance to present two sessions at the IntraTeam Event 2024. The first event took place on 9-10 April 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the second was an online event held on 19-20 June 2024. The IntraTeam in-person event had over 85 attendees and 20 sessions focused on modern intranets, […]

  • Speaking at Teams Nation 2024 | February 2024
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 11/08/2024 at 01:09

    I had the opportunity to present a session at Teams Nation 2024 on 21 February 2024. Teams Nation is a free, community-driven online conference dedicated to Microsoft Teams, its underlying technologies, and extensibility options. It featured over 70 sessions across multiple tracks covering topics […]

  • Speaking at M365 ReVival Copilot edition 2024 |...
    by Nikki Chapple (Nikki Chapple) on 10/08/2024 at 23:31

    I had the opportunity to present two sessions at M365Revival – Copilot Edition which was held on 15 February 15 2024, in Oslo, Norway. The theme of the event this year was “Copilot in the Flow of Your Work and powered by Viva to drive change.” The event consisted of 12 sessions across two […]

  • Break Free From MacOS Data Notice Loop With Intune
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 07/08/2024 at 14:39

    Are your macOS users stuck in a never-ending loop of the dreaded ‘Required Data Notice’ from Microsoft AutoUpdate? If you’re managing devices with Intune and thought you’d set the perfect policy to prevent this pop-up, think… The post Break Free From MacOS Data Notice Loop With Intune […]

  • Intune Hack To Open A URL At Windows Login
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 15/07/2024 at 07:37

    Opening a specific URL at Windows login can ensure that users see important announcements, resources, or company intranet pages as soon as they log into their devices. Join me in exploring alternatives to find the best… The post Intune Hack To Open A URL At Windows Login first appeared on Simon […]

  • #62 - Sommar och start på semestern
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 03/07/2024 at 15:15

    Många har ni gått på semester men Teams uppdateras ändå. Vi sammanfattar vad som har släppts i Teams under Juni och bör finnas i era Teamsklienter inom kort.   The Copilot Show | Podcast, blog, and prompt school for Copilot, by Copilot Teamsdagen 2024 – Start - Teamsdagen What’s New in […]

  • Task list automation with Power Query
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 23/06/2024 at 19:45

    I like when tasks are actionable. Saying “Fix the overview-page” as a task isn’t very useful to anyone! How do you know what to do and when you’re done? What if the task was instead “Decide on a name for the overview page”, “write a description for the overview page” and “accept […]

  • Alternative to USERELATIONSHIP
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 22/06/2024 at 19:33

    From time to time you want to add RLS to your Power BI model. If you do, then the filtering option USERELATIONSHIP isn’t supported. Another scenario is that you filter on a date and you want to show things that has anything to do with that date, not just the primary relationship connection. OK so

  • Listing all tables from Business Central
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 22/06/2024 at 12:09

    If you’ve ever worked with Business Central as your data source, you’ll know that you have 3 different endpoints to connect to. Within each, you’ll find tables of data. Sometimes, the table you’re looking for will be found in V2.0, other times in Odata (Webservices) etc. When you connect to […]

  • Automatic Calendar Availability – 2024...
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 19/06/2024 at 17:14

    Seamlessly scheduling meetings and collaborating effectively is paramount in today’s fast-paced work environment. Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative impact of automating calendar-sharing settings on organizational efficiency. This experience has reinforced my belief in… […]

  • Managing Windows 11 languages and region settings
    by Sandy Zeng (Sandy Zeng – MSEndpointMgr) on 09/06/2024 at 19:00

    I have not worked with multi-language Windows for a while, which seems to have changed a lot compared to Windows 10, I am happy that I found Peter Klapwijk’s blog post and his script . If you are still using the XML, maybe it’s time to try out the PowerShell LanguagePackManagement in Windows […]

  • Autopilot Device Preparation: How to Collect...
    by Simon Skotheimsvik (Simon does) on 04/06/2024 at 15:34

    On May 22nd, Microsoft announced a new profile type for Windows Autopilot called “Windows Autopilot Device Preparation.” This profile aims to simplify device deployment, increase speed, and improve troubleshooting capabilities. Microsoft’s documentation is already available, and… The post […]

  • #61 - 34 miljarder, 1 miljon och 20 miljoner
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 03/06/2024 at 11:50

    Microsoft har tillsammans med Sveriges stadsminister annonserat en AI-satsning på 33,7 miljarder kronor de närmaste 2 åren. Dessutom har det annonserats 1 miljon MTR-enheter globalt samt 20 miljoner aktiva Teams Phone-användare. Detta och mycket annat diskuteras i detta avsnitt av Teamspodden. […]

  • #60 - Från Enterprise Connect det nyheter
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 28/03/2024 at 15:46

    Enterprise Connect har varit igång borta i Florida och Microsoft passade självklart på att släppa en massa nyheter. Teamspodden passar på att sammanfatta några av dem i detta avsnittet.   Nu gör vi landet redo för Teams Premium! - Exobe Enhancing Screen Sharing with AV1 in Microsoft Teams […]

  • Autopilot & The Perceived Tenant Security Risk
    by Sandy Zeng (Sandy Zeng – MSEndpointMgr) on 25/03/2024 at 11:20

    Recently there have been concerns raised around Autopilot methods being used to side step security measures, and even leave organisations vulnerable to rogue onboarding of devices with no security sanity check measures in place, once a threat actor had access to stolen credentials. In this post we […]

  • Parallel queries with Kolada
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 22/03/2024 at 21:20

    Let me just begin by saying that this solution is not something that 99.9% of the Power BI reports out there will have any use for as I honestly think it’s taking more time and calculations than you gain in most situations. In this very particular one it might make sense though, so let’s have

  • What's New Jan & Feb 2024
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 05/03/2024 at 08:39

    Nikki and Ryan go through some of their top Road Map items for Jan & Feb 24.

  • #59 - Events och annat kul på Teamsagendan.
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 01/03/2024 at 13:07

    Nu månad och nästan vår. Vi kollar lite på vad som händer när det kommer till event och Microsoft, pratar lite Copilot och självklart går vi igenom nyheter kring Teams.   What’s New in Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Microsoft Community Hub Teams Nation News 2024 ( Skatteverket […]

  • Teams Nation News 2024
    by Mårten Hellebro (Mårten Hellebro) on 20/02/2024 at 20:55

    Join us once again for hot of the press Microsoft Teams news in Teams Nation News, featured in the Teams Nation 2024 conference. 📢📢📢 Do you have a hard time keeping track of the never-ending news coming to Microsoft Teams? So do we, but we do our best to stay updated and on track! Join the Swedish MVP:s Linus Cansby, Mårten Hellebro and Amanda Sterner discussing what's new, what to come and what features are we missing in Microsoft Teams. We guarantee to share our thoughts on the coolest, most interesting, and newest features in Microsoft Teams – small and big. With guest appearance from MVP Ben Lee from CloudWay and William Ridderström from Microsoft.

  • Copilot Toolbox: Travel plans with Trains
    by Ben Lee ( on 20/02/2024 at 10:37

    I wanted help planning an upcoming trip to meet up with friends for the day, previously we had done this by car but I wanted to see if I could have a more relaxed journey going by train so I asking Copilot in Edge to help me find a half way point, the catch was

  • Copilot Pro: An Overview
    by Ben Lee ( on 16/02/2024 at 11:34

    All of the Copilots Copilot is the name Microsoft have given to their Large Language Model (LLM) based suite of AI tools. This new type of generative AI tooling is based on the Chat GPT technology produced by Open AI (in which Microsoft made early investments). There are many different […]

  • Copilot Toolbox: Generating content from web in...
    by Ben Lee ( on 15/02/2024 at 22:54

    I wanted to start writing a word document acting as an explainer for Copilot Pro. I started with a blank page in Word and decided to take it up on the offer to help me generate some content. I laied out the titles and topic that I wanted but the generated data looked good at

  • Copilot Toolbox: Summarise a call in Teams
    by Ben Lee ( on 15/02/2024 at 17:06

    Using Copilot Enterprise in a Teams call to summarise the data gave two different responses. The first was me free-form asking it to tell me what we’d talked about. This response seemed okay until the end where there references to customers / projects that weren’t discussed (and I’m not even […]

  • Copilot Toolbox: Interaction searching &...
    by Ben Lee ( on 15/02/2024 at 14:30

    Asking Copilot Pro in Edge to help compare items, build a table and draw a conclusion.

  • #58 - Nej, nu krashade Teams
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 02/02/2024 at 13:31

    I detta avsnitt av Teampodden går Mårten och Linus igenom krashande Teams-klient, nya mötesvyn, att det går bra för Microsoft och att Microsoft Sverige har en ny VD. Dessutom går vi igenom många andra nyheter kring Microsoft Teams.   Vi använde också Copilot för att sammanfatta […]

  • EP19: Where is my Data Stored?
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 29/01/2024 at 10:31

    Ryan and Nikki talk through the data locations and how this is essential to your compliance needs. We also discuss Multi-Geo and eDiscovery and the importance of knowing exactly where your data is.

  • Soo, you got access to Copilot, now what? Here...
    by Ståle Hansen ( on 16/01/2024 at 15:01

    Since Copilot got announced, I have been investigating what it means to be Copilot ready. There are three main topics when working towards Copilot ready, and we address all of them in our upcoming conference, February 15th in Oslo. Today, my team and I got access to Copilot […]

  • #57 - Nya Teamsåret 2024
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 05/01/2024 at 13:43

    Gott nytt år, 2024 är här med stormsteg så även Teamspodden som sammanfattar de senaste nyheterna kring Microsoft Teams. Distansarbete bidrar till ökad jämställdhet - Exobe Vi tar plats i Microsofts Jumpstart-program för Copilot! - Exobe What’s New in Microsoft Teams | December 2023 - […]

  • Swedish housing shortage in Power BI
    by villezekeviking (Ville Gullstrands blogg) on 26/12/2023 at 11:58

    The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, also called “Boverket” have published some open data on the housing shortage in Sweden. It’s a 45 MB Excel file and it’s supplemented with a view file where you can find a couple of pre-made tables to simplify the digging through […]

  • EP18: Purav Desai | Auditing, Forensic...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 05/12/2023 at 09:00

    Join us to talk about the capabilities of auditing for Microsoft 365. Purav, Nikki, and Ryan share some of their tips from their experiences on how to manage logging, monitoring, and alerting to ensure you are proactive with your organizational need for auditing.

  • EP17: Tatu Seppälä | Insider Risk Real World...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 29/11/2023 at 09:30

    In this episode, Tatu shares his recent experiences of deploying Microsoft Insider Risk Management and provides real-world examples of how the solution has helped organisations identify and mitigate insider threats. He also offers valuable tips and tricks for building an effective insider risk management program that can help organisations safeguard their critical assets and intellectual property.

  • #56 - Vi sammanfattar Teams Ignite 2023
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 23/11/2023 at 22:14

    Ignite 2023 ägde rum förra veckan och med Mårten i skogen samtidigt fick Teamspodden skjuta på vår traditionella Ignite-sammanfattning till nu.    What’s New in Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Ignite 2023 - Microsoft Community Hub Vivadagen - Människa och teknik - Exobe Vivapodden | a podcast […]

  • EP16: Alex Pearce | Getting Ready for Copilot
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 21/11/2023 at 09:00

    Get ready to take off with Microsoft 365 Copilot! Join us for an exciting conversation with Alex Pearce, where we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about preparing for Copilot. We’ll cover how to avoid headaches and stay ahead of compliance-related issues. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your compliance game to the next level!

  • Digital Wellbeing: Did Microsoft Just Solve GTD...
    by Ståle Hansen (Ståle Hansen) on 16/11/2023 at 19:37

    I am at #MicrosoftIgnite 2023 and Microsoft announced the future of Planner and Loop. Now you can have a personal planner for your #GTD process! We need to talk about this and how it is evolving my #DigitalWellbeing model. Digital Wellbeing: 0:00 The new Planner: 00:48 Loop and personal plans: 02:23 Copilot in Loop and Planner: 06:16 Join me on the journey: 08:59 🛒Books and devices from my videos: Amazon Affiliate shopping list☝️ 🔔 Subscribe for more productivity tips: ✅ Recommended playlists: Microsoft 365 Productivity tips: Microsoft Teams devices:

  • #55 - Live från Teamsdagen 2023
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 05/10/2023 at 15:28

    Mårten och Linus sänder från Teamsdagen, vi pratar lite om Town Hall som rullas ut istället för Live Events samt andra nyheter i Teams.

  • #54 - Vi laddar inför Teamsdagen
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 28/09/2023 at 10:59

    Mårten och Linus spelar inte bara in Teamspodden, vi är även med och arrangerar Teamsdagen så detta avsnitt ägnar vi en stor del till just Teamsdagen. Det blir även lite Teams-nyheter. Kontakta oss på LinkedIn Linus Cansby Mårten Hellebro

  • EP15: Data Loss Prevention | EP:2 | Advanced DLP...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 20/09/2023 at 07:09

    In this second part of our mini-series on DLP, we talk about how to build advanced Policies and Rules with the Conditions Builder. We walk through how to protect a Sensitive Information Type of Credit Card and items that have been labelled with a Public Label (a label not for CC information) and how we can use the Conditions Builder to prevent items from leaving the environment. As a result, configuring a defence-in-depth for Data Loss Prevention and your organisation's sensitive information. Be sure to check out Episode 1 if you have not done so. It will help provide an understanding of the basics of DLP.

  • EP14: Data Loss Prevention | Video 1 | DLP Basics
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 12/09/2023 at 08:49

    We have a mini-series on DLP for you! If you're new to DLP or would like to know more, this episode is for you! Nikki and I walked through how to create DLP Policies and Rules. We also, talk about how to structure DLP Policies and Rules, why this is an essential part of the design stage and the outcome you desire.

  • #53 - Sommaren är kort - Teams regnar bort?
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 06/09/2023 at 13:11

    Sommaren är över och vi samlas i studion igen för att sammanfatta de senaste nyheterna kring Microsoft Teams.   Länkar What’s New in Microsoft Teams | August 2023 Antitrust: Commission opens investigation into possible anticompetitive practices by Microsoft regarding Teams Microsoft […]

  • What's New: Beau Faull | Recent Additions to M365...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 09/08/2023 at 07:14

    Beau joins us and talks about his favourite changes to Compliance so far this year! We talk about Insider Risk Management: Adaptive Policies. And new Administrative Groups and more One of our personal favourites so far!

  • What's New: Compliance Evergreen & Keeping Track...
    by All Things M365 Compliance (All Things M365 Compliance) on 04/07/2023 at 07:20

    Nikki and Ryan walk through how to keep up with the constant changes made by Microsoft. How to be proactive and ensure your environment is ready for any changes.

  • #52 - Lägg ut, lägg ut, lägg ut!
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 04/05/2023 at 20:27

    Live från Stockholm Tech Show, eller hur live det nu kan bli när man spelar in. Men efter att Mårten och Linus hållt sina sessioner så passades det även på att spela in ett Teamspodden avsnitt där vi sammanfattade vad som är nytt kring Microsoft Teams.   What’s New in Microsoft Teams | […]

  • #51 - Microsoft besöker Enterprise Connect
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 30/03/2023 at 17:44

    I samband med Enterprise Connect släppte Microsoft en hel packe nyheter, t.ex. ny Teams-klient, Avatarer, telefonifunktoner, m.m. Vi sammanfattar delar av allt nytt i detta avsnitt.   Länkar Introducing the new Microsoft Teams, now in preview - Microsoft Community Hub What's new in Microsoft […]

  • Intune Suite – Endpoint Privilege Management...
    by Sandy Zeng (Sandy Zeng – MSEndpointMgr) on 25/03/2023 at 22:11

    The long waited for Endpoint Privilege Management is finally in public preview! This post is about my first look at this feature, so not a deep dive post. If you need more details on EPM, please read more from the official doc Learn about using Endpoint Privilege Management with Microsoft Intune | […]

  • Migrating to Authentication Methods Policies –...
    by Jan Ketil Skanke (Jan Ketil Skanke – MSEndpointMgr) on 06/03/2023 at 10:41

    1 authentication portal to rule them all The post Migrating to Authentication Methods Policies – Happy days! appeared first on MSEndpointMgr.

  • #50 – 50-kalas för Teamspodden
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 05/03/2023 at 19:34

    Avsnitt 50 firar vi med att avslöja datum för Teamsdagen, men vi hinner även med att gå igenom nyheter i Teams-världen där mycket fokus ligger på Teams Premium-licensen.

  • #49 - Vi sammanfattar ISE 2023
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 08/02/2023 at 12:47

    ISE 2023 i Barcelona är precis avklarat och för att sammanfatta denna mässa om AV-teknik så har vi bjudit in Annie Petersson och Mathias Huber från Exobe som var på plats. Vi pratar bl.a. om vad som är på gång till mötesrummen när det gäller Teams.

  • #48 - Gott nytt viva år (del 2/2)
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 30/01/2023 at 21:08

    Detta är del två av två i vår special om Microsoft Viva där vi bjudit in Viva-experterna Julia Gardholm och Caroline Kallin för att berätta mer om Viva.

  • #47 - Gott nytt viva år (del 1/2)
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 27/01/2023 at 07:22

    Viva innehåller många delar för din personliga utveckling och för att du ska må bättre. Men var ska du börja och vad kan Viva hjälpa dig med? Vi bjöd in Viva-experterna Julia Gardholm och Caroline Kallin för att berätta mer om Viva, ja det blev så mycket att vi delade upp det i två […]

  • 13 years of blogging and 2 000 000 views
    by Ståle Hansen ( on 26/01/2023 at 22:48

    Today, January 26th 2023, I hit a huge milestone. 2 000 000 views since I started blogging in 2009. has been the home for me to share technical nuggets about Exchange, OCS, Lync, Skype for Business, Teams and Microsoft 365 for over 13 years. I have even shared productivity tips which […]

  • #46 - Nytt år och fler nya funktioner
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 19/01/2023 at 21:48

    Vi välkomnar till Teamsåret 2023, är detta året då Teams byter namn eller får vi behålla namnet några år till? Detta en fråga vi ställer oss i detta avsnitt där vi även går igenom nyheter i Teamsvärlden.

  • Busy on Busy in Microsoft Teams
    by Ben Lee ( on 06/01/2023 at 16:59

    What is Busy on Busy in Microsoft Teams? Busy on Busy (sometimes written as busy-on-busy) is the name given to the feature in Microsoft Teams, where second incoming calls can be automatically rejected when a user is already in a call or meeting. Busy on Busy settings control if the client displays […]

  • Reactions in Microsoft Teams
    by Ben Lee ( on 09/12/2022 at 14:21

    In Microsoft Teams, a reaction is a way for users to respond quickly to a message with an emoji. This allows users to express their emotions or thoughts about a specific message without having to type out a response. Here we look at reactions and how to choose custom ones.

  • #45 -Vi firar första advent
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 04/12/2022 at 01:38

    Nu är vi inne i december månad och självklart har det kommit nyheter till Teams, lyssna in när Mårten och Linus går igenom de senaste nyheterna.

  • #44 – Kakfest med Teams och Meta
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 10/11/2022 at 21:05

    Vi har redan kommit in i november, en månad har gått sedan Ignite men ändå har Microsoft hunnit annonsera lite nyheter till Teams. Vi går igenom dessa nyheter men pratar även om kakor i Teams, att Microsoft samarbetar med Meta och lite annat smått och gott.

  • MSEndpointMgr Intune Audit Dashboard
    by Sandy Zeng (Sandy Zeng – MSEndpointMgr) on 28/10/2022 at 16:23

    Introducing the MSEndpointMgr Intune Audit Dashboard. Taking the pain out of auditing events in Intune The post MSEndpointMgr Intune Audit Dashboard appeared first on MSEndpointMgr.

  • MSEndpointMgr Intune Audit Dashboard
    by Jan Ketil Skanke (Jan Ketil Skanke – MSEndpointMgr) on 28/10/2022 at 16:23

    Introducing the MSEndpointMgr Intune Audit Dashboard. Taking the pain out of auditing events in Intune The post MSEndpointMgr Intune Audit Dashboard appeared first on MSEndpointMgr.

  • Installing M365 Apps as Win32 App in Intune
    by Jan Ketil Skanke (Jan Ketil Skanke – MSEndpointMgr) on 23/10/2022 at 21:43

    If you have ever having issues with Autopilot or Enrollment Status page failing or timing out due to issues with Office installation, this blog post is for you. Over the years working in this area, the Office CSP has caused countless issues and deployments to fail. The Office CSP, commonly knows as […]

  • Teams Nation News - The latest and greatest of...
    by Mårten Hellebro (Mårten Hellebro) on 13/10/2022 at 00:47

    Do you have a hard time keeping track of the never-ending news coming to Microsoft Teams? So do we, but we do our best to stay updated and on track! Join the team behind the Swedish Microsoft Teams conference Teamsdagen talk about the latest and greatest. Listen to MVP:s Linus Cansby, Mårten Hellebro & Amanda Sterner discuss what's new, what to come and what features are we missing in Microsoft Teams. We guarantee to share our thoughts on the coolest, most interesting, and newest features in Microsoft Teams – small and big!

  • Linus och Mårten reagerar på Ignite 2021...
    by Mårten Hellebro (Mårten Hellebro) on 13/10/2022 at 00:46

    Linus och Mårten från Teamspodden tittar, reagerar och guidar er igenom Teams-keynoten från Microsoft Ignite 2021 November. Allt ni behöver veta om Teams-nyheterna, och kanske en del annat som ni egentligen inte behöver veta också.

  • Linus & Mårten reagerar på Teams keynote från...
    by Mårten Hellebro (Mårten Hellebro) on 13/10/2022 at 00:45

    Häng med när Teamspodden-pratarna Linus Cansby och Mårten Hellebro kollar på och reagerar på nyheterna som presenteras på Microsoft Teams-keynoten på Ignite 2022. Fler nyheter om Microsoft Teams med Linus och Mårten hittar du på

  • #43 – Microsoft Ignite 2022 special
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 12/10/2022 at 16:02

    Lync conference döptes om till Microsoft Ignite år 2015, eller så var det kanske var det TechEd som döptes om och slog samman med andra konferenser - svårt att minnas nu men äntligen är Ignite tillbaka. I detta avsnitt sammanfattar vi några av de nyheter som vi snappat upp under Ignite som […]

  • #42 - Sammanfattning av september
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 07/10/2022 at 13:49

    September är slut och Microsoft har sammanfattat alla nyheter som kommit och kommer till Teams nu, så vi går också igenom alla nyheter som de listat samt lite annat smått och gott.

  • Windows Update Compliance Dashboard V8.0
    by Jan Ketil Skanke (Jan Ketil Skanke – MSEndpointMgr) on 14/09/2022 at 16:27

    Back in July last year we released a community version of our Windows Update Compliance dashboard, a KQL driven workbook that helped you visualise Microsoft Update Compliance data. Since then there have been a number of improvements both in the type of data and a version 2 schema update. The good […]

  • Windows Update Compliance Dashboard V8.0
    by Sandy Zeng (Sandy Zeng – MSEndpointMgr) on 14/09/2022 at 16:27

    Back in July last year we released a community version of our Windows Update Compliance dashboard, a KQL driven workbook that helped you visualise Microsoft Update Compliance data. Since then there have been a number of improvements both in the type of data and a version 2 schema update. The good […]

  • Manage Windows Hello for Business (WHfB) with...
    by Sandy Zeng (Sandy Zeng – MSEndpointMgr) on 04/09/2022 at 20:33

    Manage Windows Hello for Business (WHfB) with Intune is very “easy”, you have so many options: At device enrollment: Tenant-wide policy After device enrollment, at least four methods: Endpoint Security > Account protection (Preview) Configuration profiles > Identity protection Settings […]

  • #41 – Sensommaren med Teamsnyheter och licenser
    by teamspodden (Teamspodden) on 31/08/2022 at 20:58

    Vi gör en sammanfattning om vad som har hänt i Teamsvärlden och vad som är på gång. Vi går även igenom den nya licensen för Microsoft Teams Rooms.

10 MVPs - 2024-205 award

We proudly congratulate our 2024-2025 MVPs!

  CloudWay is proud to congratulate our MVPs for 2024-2025! Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals are technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the Microsoft community. At CloudWay we value...

Microosft MVP

Simon Skotheimsvik awarded as Microsoft MVP

We are proud to be able to congratulate Simon Skotheimsvik as Security Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 2024. His technology area is Microsoft Intune and through blogging and speaking, he...

CloudWay launches CloudWay Services

Delivering high-end consulting services within the Microsoft ecosystem since 2016, CloudWay AS is now launching CloudWay Services AS to deliver managed services, expanding their offerings for Microsoft customers. Left: Ståle...

We are proud to welcome MVP Ville Gullstrand

CloudWay is proud to announce that Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Ville Gullstrand joins the team as Senior Cloud Architect. Ville has a passion for the whole Microsoft PowerPlatform alltough specialized in...

Entra Connect

What is Entra Connect and when to use it (or not)?

Entra Connect, Entra Cloud Sync or both? Many medium and large organizations continue to operate within a hybrid environment, combining on-premises infrastructure, such as servers, integrated with Active Directory. To...

Entra ID P2?

Entra ID licensing made simple

What is Entra ID P2? This sounds like a really basic question, but is actually a question we get from many of our customers. The answer is: Microsoft Entra ID...

Privileged accounts in a hybrid Entra Id environment

Don’t let on-prem take down your Microsoft 365 cloud

Are you managing a hybrid environment with on-premises infrastructure connected to Microsoft 365? In this post, we’ll share crucial advice to protect your Microsoft 365 cloud from on-premises security breaches....

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