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Join our MVPs, Mårten Hellebro, Ståle Hansen and Ville Gullstrand at Teamsdagen 2024. This will be a super event, make sure to sign up today!
Mårten will be on stage as host and organizer, partaking in the keynote and moderating some of the fun.
Ståle Hansen with friends will kick off the event with an epic Microsoft Teams Tips & Tricks Battle in the keynote.
Viva Insights can measure the Teams culture you need for Copilot success
During 2024, MVPs Ståle Hansen and Ville Gullstrand have been planning and running Copilot implementations for customers. They say that Viva Insights published in Power BI is core for measuring the changes in Teams culture you are looking for when succeeding with Copilot. Such as fewer meeting minutes, less off hours work and more time in asynchronous work.
Join this session and learn:
– How Viva Insights measures Teams culture
– The Copilot reports we are looking for
– The Custom Power BI reports Ville made for absolute clarity
Teamsdagen workshop on September 30th Pre-day Workshop Power BI with Teams- and Copilot data with Ville Gullstrand
Det kan kännas väldigt bra och effektivt att arbeta med Teams. Låt oss klä på den känslan med lite fakta!
Under den här workshopen använder vi data som går att få ut kring nyttjandet av Microsoft Teams för att lära oss bygga rapporter i Power BI och samtidigt göra insikter kring just Teams. Kanske har du eller din organisation börjat använda Copilot? Power BI kan hjälpa till för att inte bara införandet blir en framgång utan även förvaltningen över tid. Alla kan lära sig att göra kraftfulla rapporter med Power BI helt själva. Efter den här workshopen är du igång!
About Teamsdagen
Teamsdagen is a hybrid event, which means you can join online if you are not attending in person. The event is mostly in Swedish, make sure you follow their event here.