We are proud to welcome Ben Whitmore

Image of Cloudway team with Ben Whitmore

CloudWay is proud to announce that Ben Whitmore joins the team as Senior Cloud Consultant. Being based out of the UK, he is the second resource to join the team in our remote working from home strategy; finding good people where they are. With his focus being on Windows 10, Endpoint Manager and t00ling he will bring scalability to our Microsoft 365 projects.

I am pleased to see the team grow with a sought after competency. We have seen a huge demand after security and identity skills for remote working companies. We believe that secure productivity happens in the Cloud and we are happy to have increased capacity to help all our customers and partner on their Way. -Ståle Hansen, CEO

He is part of the blogging team at MSEndpointMgr.com and shares his knowledge as speaker at conferences and user groups.


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