The CloudWay culture and focus for 2019

In January 2019, our CEO, Ståle Hansen, wrote an article about the CloudWay culture and our focus for 2019. Read the full article on LinkedIn here

The CloudWay culture

Our goal at CloudWay is to enable every individual to be at their best and in order to do so we need to do three things

  • Give everyone responsibility
  • Have them create a business case for a change of direction
  • Follow up and coach them on the two above

At CloudWay we promote the individuals rather than the company in everything we do and it is well reflected in social media and at By doing this we enable each person by giving them responsibility and credibility for their careers. Ståle states that this is when we see people performing above and beyond expectations. Passion for technology is what we are looking for at CloudWay, but the core culture is based on always delivering on time with the expected or better quality. I think the article by Molly Fletcher on 10 things that require zero talent sums it up perfectly, where I specifically subscribe to being on time, work ethic, passion, being coachable and being prepared. Read about the types of projects CloudWay has done in 2018 and how we will evolve in 2019 in the original article

Continued focus on Microsoft 365 for 2019

We work with secure productivity which translates to the whole Microsoft 365 suite. In 2018 we did 15 partner and customer workshops and all our projects were about Microsoft 365. In 2019 we will see even more of that, and the trends are:

  • Changing your thinking around security, the perimeter needs to be built around your identity, devices, and data, not around your physical office space
  • Windows 10 is important for productivity, you need to shift your focus from just thinking that productivity happens in Office 365, to look at where productivity happens
  • Microsoft Teams makes organizational productivity accessible

We are seeing both government and private sector embracing secure productivity and we think we will do a lot more of the advanced hybrid integrations on the way to secure productivity in 2019.

To read all thoughts on what we do, how we do it and what we think about 2019, read the full article here

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